Make porch as gaudy as possible, this is essential whilst trying to create a dilapidated effect on a Bovis home that is less than 10 years old.

Unintentionally carve pumpkin in the way that a five year old would, get away with it by saying you wanted a 'minimalist' look.

Go so crazy in Halloween aisle at ASDA that you have to resort to tying skelingtons and severed heads to bits of wire near your front door.

Always, ALWAYS hang a plastic bat from the porch ceiling.
what do you want to be when you grow up?
Oh dear, anonymous. All this doesn't make you look clever. It makes you look like a sad, (I'm guessing) probably hog-ugly person of below average intelligence. Do you check this blog every day for a new post, just so you can write something that you wrongly imagine (thanks to your waterbiscuit-thick cerebral cortex) is "clever"? At least your effort today is better than your previous comment, which didn't even make sense. 2 out of 10! Try harder to fuck off!
well I'm impressed. I fell asleep in front of From Hell, then woke to the DVD Menu page music really loud at 6am. I scared the shit out of me.
Is changing to Betablogger hard? Am not sure I can be arsed...
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