Thursday, January 28

Don't Help Haiti! Pt2

They haven't finished!

Now you understand why I had to move!

1 comment:

iamshanemorris said...

I live in the United States, so I know my view is a bit different, because our GDP is many times higher than England's - but I think our view needs to shift a bit. If you were a person in Haiti whose entire life had just been fucked, you would want the entire world to help.

There isn't a single country that shouldn't be donating money right now. This is humanity. There isn't a "right/wrong" - it's "treat them as if they were your own brother or sister". Because that's the way we need to look at this.

Morgan Stanley just finished passing out $22.5 Billion in bonuses. Haiti's GDP is $8.5 Billion. One American company can give out more in bonuses, than Haiti can produce in an entire year.

That's sad.

Do Google searches and that...
