Tuesday, February 3


So this week has already yielded two unexpected days off work, and as I spent much of yesterday planning lessons and trying to reacquaint myself with poetry that I studied 10 years ago I decided to give myself a break from all that and make the most of these precious free hours.

So I:
  • went back to bed at 9 and slept until 12.30,
  • caught the bus the quarter mile to Crouch End, and...
  • ate mushrooms and scrambled eggs in a cafe whilst finishing Brideshead Revisited.

Walking home was bordering on treacherous, and I cursed the slush as I snaked my way back on the dried out patches.
Now I am home, on my favourite armchair and refusing to move. I have purchased the necessary ingredients for fairy buns, but have no inclination to assemble them.

Almost looking forward to work tomorrow. It'll be a nice short week.

* this blog does not contain the word s**w at all, unlike every other feckin blog written by me and others in the past week

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